My Daily Decree
I am blessed and not cursed, saved and not lost, healed and not sick, strong and not weak,
and I am happy and not sad.
I am all that God said that I am
in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because my life is hid with Christ in God.
I am rich and not poor, I am wise
and not foolish, I am favoured and not disliked, I am fruitful and not barren, I am successful and not a failure, I am a child
of God, therefore, no good thing has He withheld from me. There is nothing lacking and nothing broken in my life.
I have a sound mind, a strong spirit,
a surrendered soul, and a submissive body all for God’s glory.
No weapon formed against me shall
prosper, no plague and pestilence shall come near me, no evil shall follow me, and no darkness shall obscure my destiny.
No devil shall tempt me and no
demon shall possess me. I am protected by the blood of Jesus and secured by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, sin
shall not have dominion over my spirit, soul nor body. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
This is the day that the Lord has
made I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day that I choose to give God pleasure and to fulfil His plan and purpose
for my life in it.
All things will work together for
good throughout this day for me. All that I endeavour to achieve I will accomplish. All that I have lost in my past I will
regain in my present. All that I pursue for God’s honour I will capture for God’s glory. All that I honestly do
will prosper and all that I pray in faith for God will answer.
My God shall supply all my needs
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
This is my decree for today because
yesterday is my testimony, tomorrow is my legacy but today is all for God’s glory, in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour
and Lord. Amen.
A Decree by Apostle Phillip Samlalsingh